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Our Latest Insights, Trends, and Hot Takes.

Henny Penny is a global leader in the design and manufacture of commercial kitchen equipment, but we also strive to be a thought leader in our industry on trends and challenges that we all share. Our blog features observations of the latest industry trends as well as insight from the food experts within our organization. Read our latest entries below or search by category.

What Kind of Commercial Fryer is Best for Me?

In the bustling world of foodservice, the right equipment is the key to success. Especially when it comes to commercial fryers, where the choice can significantly impact the efficiency of your kitchen and the quality of your food.

The needs of your commercial kitchen and your desired food quality are the primary considerations when selecting frying equipment

  • Understanding your needs
  • Traditional open friers
  • Pressure friers
  • Pros and cons

8 Things to Stop Doing to Your Oil

Frying oil is a precious commodity in any commercial kitchen, especially in the world of deep-frying. To keep your cooking oil in optimal condition and ensure delicious taste and texture of your food, it’s essential to avoid certain practices that can harm your oil’s quality and lifespan. We asked our frying experts and the results are in – here’s what you should stop doing to your oil immediately!

Top Ten Reasons to Pressure Fry

It’s no secret that some of the world’s most popular food chains owe their success to the art of pressure frying. It’s an unbeatable combination of taste, efficiency, and profitability. Pressure frying remains a champion in delivering some of the crispiest, juiciest, and most flavorful fried foods on the planet.

Pressure frying has long been a trusted method for many successful restaurants and food establishments. Here’s why!

The New F5 Fryer: A Solution for High-Volume Kitchens

Henny Penny recently introduced the new generation of our reduced-oil capacity fryer, the F5.

What makes the F5 such a great tool for high-volume commercial kitchens? Let’s take a look at what stands out about this new model!

Open vs. Pressure Frying: Chef Gregg Keeps it Real

Shopping for the right equipment can be GREAT (so many choices!!) and HARD (…so many choices…). The fryer is a critical piece of equipment that often throws operators for a loop and raises the subsequent question: ‘Open fryer or pressure fryer?’.

How Should You Be Testing Cooking Oil Quality?

Frying is one of the most popular ways of cooking as it produces exceptional flavor, moisture and crunch. It delivers the ultimate food sensory trifecta: “GBD” or “golden, brown and delicious.” However, repeated usage of frying oil causes it to degrade. Chemical reactions that lead to changes in the oil, which can affect food quality the longer it’s used.

The Return on Investment You Can Expect From Henny Penny Equipment

Henny Penny equipment isn’t just meant to do the job — it’s meant to do it right, and save you money in the process.

How do we make that happen? By ensuring that all Henny Penny products are optimized for maximum efficiency, meaning you start earning back your return on investment from the very first use.

Efficiency and return on investment are an important part of our approach to everything we create at Henny Penny.

Take a look at how we help you save!